Private lending can say YES! Private lending and private loans are loans that individuals or groups make to people like you. Say you have a house, and want to get a loan, but all the banks say no. Private lending can give you 50% of the value of your house as a loan. If your house is worth $200,000.00, you can get $100,000.00 CASH! These loans are short term, and many things can be used to secure the loan- a house, a boat, a trailer, car or truck, campers, RVs, even guns, gold and jewelry! These programs are best for QUICK CASH loans from Private Lending:
1. PRIVATE LENDING BUSINESS LOANS: tap into a little known resource to launch your business and pump up your sales! Loans for personal and small businesses.
2. PRIVATE LOANS: quickly qualify for a cash loan from private lenders, no credit checks required.
3. LOAN CENTRAL PRIVATE LOANS: a great program to enter for the first time borrower of private money loans, with easy instructions and quick approvals. No credit checks required.
4. PRIVATE MONEY PROS: the pros bring you into the world of private money finance. Serious inquiries only, please.
5. CASH NETWORK PRIVATE LOANS: investors pool thier money and lend out to people and business looking for quick cash.